The Bharatiya Janata Party expresses its grave concern over the manner in which the UPA Government has completely bungled in handling the Ram Setu issue. First, it ignored the sane advice of the Acharyas, Tsunami experts, scientists, environmentalists, scholars and rejected the appeals from eminent persons like former Justice Krishna Aiyer and former Justice Padma Bhushan K.T. Thomas and consigned to dustbin the 3.6 million signatures submitted by all sections of society demanding a change in the alignment of the SSCP because it would result in the destruction of the Setu. The government also failed even to recognize that during the debate on this issue in Rajya Sabha important party leaders had demanded that the Ram Setu be declared as a national heritage monument. The UPA government should take note of the statements of various political leaders across the party lines recognising Rama as a great national hero and even incarnation of the Devine.
Secondly, when the matter was raised in the Supreme Court, the Government filed an affidavit unabashedly denying the very existence of Sri Rama. This was an affront to the nation, its traditions, and was infact an insult to the freedom struggle which according to Mahatma Gandhi was aimed at establishing Ram Rajya. The U.P.A. government has no respect to the sentiments of the people - Hindu, Muslims and Christians – who revere the bridge as Setu Mandir, Rama Setu, Adampul, Adam’s bridge , Adi Setu etc. Thirdly instead of totally withdrawing that blasphemous affidavit and apologizing from the Nation the UPA government has failed even to identify as to who drafted the affidavit and at what level was it approved. Infact the government should have owned the responsibility for this sacrilege. The government should immediately stop all dredging and take steps to assuage the hurt caused to millions of countrymen. On the other hand it is now trying to submit a supplementary affidavit and the Shipping Ministry wants to file an appeal against the stay granted by the Supreme Court. The utter confusion prevailing on this issue in Congress Party has been reflected in the war of attrition going on between various leaders blaming each other for this fiasco. A government displaying such complete ignorance about its history, culture, tradition, literature and not accepting the contribution of the great heroic characters like Rama and great saints like Valmiki who had shaped the ethos of the nation from times immemorial does not deserve to stay in the office.
The B.J.P. congratulates all sections of society who have stood solidly in opposing the destruction of the Setu and demanding its preservation as a NATIONAL HERITAGE. The BJP reiterates its demand for declaring the Ram Setu as a world heritage and stopping all activities which will or are likely to destroy the bridge.
The BJP strongly condemns all attempts to describe those who want to seek a realignment of the project as antinational. The party also disapproves the diversionary tactics adopted by certain groups by raising slogans and arguments which tend to divide the people on the basis of geographical, linguistic and racial theories which have long been rejected by scholars and the people as well. India is one People and one Nation and the BJP will not allow the divisive forces to play their mischief.
It the constituents of the UPA government continue to insult Sri Ram then the inescapable conclusion would be that the Congress led UPA government also approves such statements and is conniving with such acts of national shame. The BJP warns such elements to desist from making such statements which will weaken the national fabric and will have a deleterious effect on the unity and integrity of the country for which Congress led government at the centre will alone be responsible.
The movement for the protection, preservation and declaration of the Setu as a national heritage monument is being conducted by the Rameshwaram Ram Setu Raksha Manch, it is a national issue supported by the people cutting across political parties, religious creeds and beliefs and the party would render all the support needed by the Samiti from the BJP.
The party is wholeheartedly committed to protect the Setu as a national heritage, which can be easily saved by realigning the SSCP. The BJP demands an unqualified apology from the UPA government and also demands for fixing the responsibility for drafting such a sacrilegious affidavit.
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