The people of the country giving a decisive mandate have brought a historic change in the elections of the world’s largest democracy. This election was also the biggest elections ever held in the world with about 55 crores voters exercising their franchise. This kind of enthusiasm among the electorate was never witnessed before. People have given a positive mandate for development and good governance. This National Council of the Bharatiya Janata Party expresses its gratitude towards the people. It is the first occasion in the history of independent India that a non-Congress political party has succeeded in getting full majority on its own. Another feature of this election is that a leader born after independence is for the first time leading the country. It can be aptly described as the golden chapter in the political journey of Bharatiya Janata Party since the time of Jan Sangh.
People have reposed faith and confidence in the leadership of Shri Narendra Modi. He strategized this election in such a way that all sections of the society voted for the BJP. The first time voters in the age group of 18-28 years made clear that their first choice is Narendra Modi. People voted differently this time making departure from voting on caste lines. Modiji played a very important role in this historic mandate. This election was about able leadership and therefore it revolved around the leadership of Shri Modi and the people also chose a strong leadership. The National Council of the party congratulates the leadership of Shri Narendra Modi.
The people of the country are proud of themselves to have given such a massive mandate to the BJP. The mandate reflected their pledge to get rid of the 10-year-old rule of the non-performing and corruption riddled Congress-led UPA government. The entire country was under a grip of helplessness and disappointment under the Congress Government. BJP's PM candidate Narendra Modi had raised a ray of hope in the country because of his hard work. An atmosphere of faith in politics was generated. Country wanted to get a leadership which can strengthen democracy, raise India's credibility in the world make available 'Roti-Kapda-Makan' to common citizen. They also expected that India must become corruption free and there must be a rule of law & order in the country. The people have given a decisive mandate against divisive policies of casteism, corruption, incapability, policy paralysis of the Congress.
This historic victory has some other dimensions also. After a huge leap BJP has increased the numbers of its voters by whopping 10 crores as compared to that of 2009 general elections. Out of 282 parliamentary constituencies won by BJP, its candidates have won by more than 1 lakh vote in as many as 206 constituencies.
It was such an historic election that Congress could not open its account in 14 states. (Gujarat, Rajasthan, Delhi, Himachal, Uttarakhand, J&K, Goa, Nagaland, Odisha, Jharkhand, Sikkim, Tripura, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh). Congress could not register victory even on one seat in 6 out of 7 union territories (Andaman, Chandigarh, Dadra Nagar Haveli, Daman & Diu, Puducherry, Lakshwadeep).
In these elections Bharatiya Janata Party has achieved an unprecedented success in country's largest state, UP. Out of 80, 71 seats were won by BJP and two other seats were won by our allied parties. SP and Congress were confined to seats of their family candidates only. In this historic success of the party there is a huge contribution of party president Shri Amit Shah for which the party congratulates him whole heartedly. The big factor of BJP’s victory was the charismatic and decisive leadership of Prime Ministers Shri Narender Modi ji backed by the strong support of the Organisation and hard work of local leadership and Karyakartas.
The successes achieved in Chhattisgarh, Bihar, MP, Jharkhand, UP, Rajasthan, Rural Gujarat, Rural Karnataka and Rural Maharashtra by BJP shows that this is the mandate given by the poor. One more important aspect is that BJP got huge support on seats reserved for SC/STs in these elections as a result of which maximum number of SC/ST MPs got elected on BJP ticket. Three SC candidates of BJP, won on general seats. Moreover, BJP is honoured to have maximum representation of women MPs in parliament today.
There is a lesson for the Organisation in these elections. The wave of popular leader and sentiment gets converted into votes where the organization is strong and the local leadership is established. That is why it is essential to strengthen the Organisation in all the states of the country and that is our responsibility.
The mandate of this election has been accepted very humbly by the BJP leadership, but Congress is not able to digest their worst defeat. The desperation is clearly visible. Their scramble for the post of LoP, their opposition to the bills which they presented during their tenure and disruption of parliament shows their inability to accept the people’s verdict.
The New Beginning
On 26th May, 45-member cabinet has taken oath under the leadership of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has displayed his vision by inviting heads of SAARC countries on the day of oath taking ceremony held in the courtyard of Rashtrapati Bhawan. This one gesture has earned our Prime Minister a massive goodwill from the leaders of the world.
The decision of the Union Cabinet at its first meeting itself to set up a SIT headed by Justice M B Shah to bring back black money stashed abroad amply displayed Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi’s decisive leadership. The issue of black money was very important for the country. The decision to constitute SIT was also in line with the party’s promise during pre-election to bring back black money from abroad.
Budget: Attention on present, Eye on future
People of the country were eagerly awaiting the first budget of Modi Government. The Government had twin challenges before it while finalizing the General Budget for 2014-15. On the one hand, it had to fulfill the great expectations of the people of the country, on the other hand, there was a challenge to bring the economy back on track which had got completely derailed due to policy paralysis during the Congress-led UPA Government. The Government through its maiden budget, has converted these challenges into opportunity.
While spelling out the road map for overall development of the country, the Budget gave certain immediate reliefs and support to all sections of the society. With the mantra of 'SABKA SATH SABKA VIKAS, this budget has taken a strong initiative in each sector. This budget is definitely the first step towards building a golden India. Effective steps and adequate budgetary support have also been extended for the development all crucial sectors, particularly, Education, Health, Infrastructure, and Employment Generation. Finance Minister Shri Arun Jaitley deserves kudos for laying the strong edifice for the realization of the vision of "Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat' of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modiji through his budget. Members of the National Council would like to congratulate the BJP government wholeheartedly for this budget which has been presented for building a strong and development oriented India.
Well organised Rail system:
An effort has been made to present rail budget with a view to bring back Indian Railways on track, which was neck deep under loan of crores of rupees. Instead of new projects, an initiative has been taken in the direction of completing key projects. Special attention has been paid to passengers’ amenities, safety and punctuality of trains. 58 new trains have been proposed and also provision has been made to run high spread trains. An initiative has also been taken in the budget to introduce bullet trains. Special emphasis has also been laid on sanitation as well as upkeep of stations. Instead of harping on propaganda, the Rail Budget has listed several steps with regard to enhancing passenger facilities.
Concrete initiative on price-rise
Congress-led UPA government had promised to contain price rise within 100 days but after coming to power they not only raised their hands but throughout its regime failed to take adequate and concrete steps to contain price rise. Even as prices of essential commodities went up, the Congress virtually remained a mute spectator. The failure of the Congress to rein in inflation resulted in the people showing them doors.
On the other hand, soon after coming to power, the BJP Government has shown its earnestness to check inflation by taking strong measures to stabilize prices of essential commodities. The National Council extends its whole hearted appreciation to the Government for having able to contain price rise during such a short period and expects that it would maintain a hawk’s eye on the prices of essential commodities to make necessary intervention.
Dream of Nirmal –Aviral Ganga
Ganga is glorious heritage of India and our cultural identity. Its present condition is a matter of great concern. To save Ganga is the priority of the government for which a separate ministry has also been set up. In the first general budget a comprehensive scheme "Namami Gange' has been formulated for which a provision of Rs 6300 crores have been made. A road map is ready for cleaning Ganga and to ensure sanitation of its banks. Schemes are being formulated with the coordination of five ministries.
Hundreds and thousands of people have been suffering due to the havoc caused by floods in Kosi River year after year. There has also been loss of several lives and colossal loss to property every year. This year also we were facing this problem but government of India made constant contacts with Nepal government and used modern techniques to release water in such a way that the swell of water in the river could be controlled thereby saving precious lives and properties. This pro-active measure has resulted in showering of praise on Modi Government by the people Bihar, particularly from the residents of Kosi belt.
Strong International Presence
In line with the “Neighbours First” policy, Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi made his first foreign visit to Bhutan. The visit assumes great significance as India and Bhutan enjoyed a great historic and cultural relations. The commitment given by the Prime Minister to Bhutan of India’s continued support for the progress of the Hill Nation has been well received by the people of that country.
In the BRICS Conference, India has registered its strong position under the leadership of PM Narendra Modi. The most important factor of this conference was setting up of a Development Bank whose name was suggested by Sh Modi as New Development Bank. The headquarters of this Bank will be in Shanghai and its first Chairman will be from India. China which wanted a bigger share in this Bank had to settle with equal share along with other member countries because of initiative taken by India. This National Council wholeheartedly welcomes PM Sh Narendra Modi for his diplomatic successes.
PM Modi's Nepal visit also proved a milestone in Indo-Nepal relations. After about 17 years India’s Prime Minister visited Nepal. The visit has enhanced further the close relationship enjoyed between Nepal and India. This national Council is grateful to PM Shri Narendra Modi for taking steps to further strengthen Indo-Nepal relation. India's importance has also increased much in the new power equilibrium emerging in the world. America, China and Russia are making efforts to further enhance their relations with India. The US Secretary of State has appreciated the mantra of 'SABKA SATH-SABKA VIKAS of PM Narendra Modi and said that the US has also the same policy and that is why our thinking do match with the thinking of Modiji.
Successful Iraq Operation
The crisis going on in Iraq has affected Indians also, who are working there. This crisis was the topic of Indian media for several days and the report of many Indians being held hostage created a serious concern for the entire country. But Ministers of Foreign Affairs Smt Sushma Swaraj has solved this crisis very efficiently. Due to her relentless efforts, the Government was successful in freeing almost all the Indians held hostage in Iraq. This National Council congratulates Smt Sushma Swaraj and BJP led NDA govt. for their timely and effective action because of which the crisis being faced by Indians working in Iraq was averted and entire country heaved a sigh of relief.
The Government displayed its vigour and pro-farmer stand at the WTO negotiations. It single-handedly asserted the issue of providing ‘Minimum Support Price’ (MSP) to the farmers and food grains to the poor through public distribution system.
Discipline in administration
A veritable shift has come in the work culture in the ministries after the NDA government took charge. A new sense of accountability has been instilled in the bureaucracy. Transparency in various departments has been ensured. Instilling of this new work culture has inspired the bureaucracy. Also the steps taken by the Government for the speedy disposal of files and steps to enhance cleanliness in government establishments are praiseworthy. This National Council hopes that it will bring encouraging results in government functioning in the future.
Marching towards all-round development
The people of the country have cut out task for the BJP Government. People want follow up of our two slogans 'SABKA SATH SAKBA VIKAS- and “Ek Bharat- Shreshtha Bharat'. We have many challenges on the national and international arena. The Government has started on a positive note. Government is focusing on education, health, agriculture, infrastructure, irrigation, water, urbanization and overall job creation. Skilling India is a major scheme of the government.
The Government has just completed 70 days. People have trust in the Government and are in support of it. The National Council of the Party wants to reassure the people of this country that the Government will keep up its good performance and its decisions would benefit 125 crore people of the country. It will redeem the pledges given to the people in a definite timeframe.
The Party appeals that people should become partners in progress. People’s participation is essential for success of any Government.
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