The BJP National Executive expresses its deep concern over the deteriorating internal security situation in the country. This is the biggest failure of the UPA regime.
The country is facing three major challenges on national security front.
1. Terrorism
2. Naxalism
3. Illegal infiltration
Today, the entire world is facing the heat of terrorism. This has emerged as a major challenge to the modern civil society the world over. Unfortunately, in the name of religion, terrorism is spreading its tentacles in the form of 'Jehad'. In fact terrorism has assumed dangerous dimensions. India is facing the scourge of terrorism for the last two decades. In fact no other country in the world has waged such a long relentless struggle against terrorism as India has. Till date thousands of civilians and security men have fallen victim to terrorism.
The situation in Jammu and Kashmir has been deteriorating very fast, taking a heavy toll of the innocents. The recent daring attack on the Ram Lalla's temple at Ayodhya underlines the casual approach of both--the UPA at the Centre and the SP Government in Uttar Pradesh--on the vital issue of security. Recently as bus was set ablaze in Kerala to security the release of 'Madni', a terrorist who was a part of the terrorist gang which had set off bomb blasts during Shri L.K. Advani's visit to Coimbatore.
It is clear indication that terrorism has afflicted the country from Kashmir to Kanyakumari. ISI and those claiming to be Islamic terrorist groups have been accelerating their activities, without inhibition.
The situation is even worse in the North Eastern States. In Assam, every other day, innocents fall victim to the bomb blast by ULFA. The Administration has completely collapsed in these areas. It appears that the terrorists are calling the shots. It's a matter of concern that the Congress regimes in these States have a soft corner for the terrorists. While Pakistan shelters the leaders of these outfits, Bangladesh provides facilities for putting up training bases.
It's a well-known fact that Pakistan provided the inspiration, encouragement and finance for the terrorist activitism in India. The Vajpayee--Musharaff communique in January 2004, had provided that under any circumstances, Pakistan will not allow the use of its territory for anti-India activities. The terrorist activities are increasing in Jammu & Kashmir and it is obvious that Pakistan has not honoured its part of the agreement.
Against this background, the National Executive feels:
1. India should initiate a global strategy at an International forum to combat the menace of terrorism.
2. While carrying on dialogue with Pakistan, India should always be on a high alert about Pakistan's designs to foment terrorism on the Indian soil.
3. The Union Government must keep a sharp eye on the activities of the ISI, self proclaimed Islamic terrorist outfits, organisation like ULFA and efforts should be made to contain them with the help of the State Government.
4. At the instance of the United Nations, many countries are formulating strong laws to tight terrorism. It was against this background that the NDA Government had enacted POTA. However, to court the Vote Bank, the UPA Government has repealed the law. In view of the fact that menace of terrorism is increasing, the Government should reconsider reintroducing of POTA.
The second major threat to India's internal security is from Naxalism.
The movement which started from Naxalbari in 1967 has assumed very sinister proportions by now. One hundred fifty nine districts spread in 13 States are under the evil influence of this violent creed. Forty, big and small groups, including the two major ones--People's War Group and Maoist Communist Centre, are active in the different parts of the country. In fact the danger to the internal security of the country has grown manifold in view of the fact that Maoist groups active in Nepal and Bangladesh are working in tandem with other Maoist formulation and global groups such of LTTE and Lashkar-Toiba.
During the last one year, these Naxalities have gone out of control and berserk. During the last one month 24 security men have lost their lives in Chhattisgarh and a MLA in Andhra Pradesh. Such sad news has become a regular feature in last one year. It only underlines the ugly reality that the menace of Naxalites is increasingly assuming dangerous propositions.
It is ironical that while the various Naxalite formulation (within and without the country), are seeking to work together, the Centre and the State Government have hardly any co-ordination and at times working at cross purposes. Naxalites are banned in one state; they are free to operate in the other. While some State Government considers it to be just a law and order problem, the other emphasise on the need for integral development in economic and social fields. It has become difficult to deal with the problem in view of the contradictory assessment of the situation and policies.
The National Executive of BJP demands:
1. The Union Government should call a meeting of the Chief Minister of Naxalite affecting States and Security experts. After a detailed discussion a common strategy should be chalked out to face the threat posed by Naxalites.
2. The security forces in these States should be provided with latest arms and vehicles. The Center must bear the expenses, treating the Naxalite problem as a national issue.
3. Speedy steps should be taken for the integrated development of the Naxalite infested areas. The Advasis in these areas should be given due respect and recognition and infrastructure such as roads should be developed on a priority basis.
4. In Bastar division (in Chhattisgarh), the Advasis have launched a movement 'Salva Judoom' which consists of peace marches in which thousands are participating on their own. Due encouragement should be given to such initiatives in other Naxalite affected areas.
5. Foreign Policy and Internal Security are two sides of the same coin. The terrorism unleashed by Maoist in Nepal poses a threat not only to Nepal but also to India's internal security. The Government should not lose sight of this important aspect while dealing with Nepal.
The continuous infiltration is also a threat to India's security. It's unforutnate that this old problem has received little attention from most of the political parties, intellectuals and the Media.
According to reliable estimates, there are about two crore Bangladeshi infiltrators in India and the process continues to be unabated. The infiltrators are not confined only to border areas such as Assam, Tripura or West Bengal but have spread to faraway places such as Mumbai, Delhi, Goa and even Kerala.
After independence, Assam was the worst affected. Gradually the infiltrators managed to have a foothold in the rest of North East. The problem has assumed such menacing proportions in West Bengal that the leftist who dismissed it as a mere bogey earlier, now are expressing concern over it. The demographic profile in some of the districts in India is changing so fast that there is strong possibility of the local population being reduced to minority. The Supreme Court of India has termed it as an "aggression". It appears that Bengladesh has effortlessly expanded its border by 15 to 20 kms inside India.
It's sad that the UPA Government, Congress and the Left are understating the threat posed by this demographic invasion to guard their political turf. In fact they are just busy in their old game of vote bank politics. Their political considerations overveigh the concern of national security.
The BJP National Executive makes the following suggestions to deal with the problem of illegal infiltration.
1. The Supreme Court has struck down the black law called IMDT Act. The Union Government should honour the Court verdict in letter and spirit. No effort should be made to bring this Law through a backdoor. The Committee consisting of Congress Ministers, in this context, should be wound up immediately. In case the UPA Government does not heed the BJP plea, the party will be forced to launch an intensive agitation involving people from the street to inside Parliament.
2. The illegal infiltrators should be identified, their names deleted from the voters list and all effort should be made to send them back to Bangladesh.
3. To stop fresh infiltration, lighted fencing should be erected on the entire Indo-Bangladesh border. A sufficient number of security personnel should be posted and fast boats should be provided to them to patrol the water bodies.
4. National Citizen Registration and multi-purpose identity cards should be given to the citizens in the border areas on a war footing.
5. The recommendation of the Border Management and of the Task Force for internal security constituted by the NDA Government should be implemented immediately.
6. The problem of illegal infiltration should be forcefully raised by the Indian Government during Indo-Bangladesh diplomatic dialogue.
7. The illegal infiltrators also include Hindus Christians and other minorities who are prosecuted because of their faith and are forced to flee to India for security. Such unfortunate people should be called as refugees. A suitable policy should be made so that all facilities are made available to them which will help them to live in India with self respect and honour.
The BJP National Executive calls upon the nation to stand by the BJP on these issues. All these issues should not be seen through a political prism since they involve the security, existence and honour of India.
क्लिक करे लॉगिन