After more than two years of UPA rule, India’s internal security is threatened as never before. Internal security was never a UPA priority.
The Common Minimum Programme of the UPA had no mention how to combat terrorism, contain militancy in Jammu & Kashmir, and stop the movement of saboteurs, subversives, arms and explosives across the border. There was no concern about strengthening the internal security apparatus to combat Left Wing extremism. The only reference to national security in the UPA Common Minimum Programme related to the withdrawal of POTA. It is this mindset and the weak kneed policies of the UPA, which have encouraged subversive and fundamentalist groups within and outside the country and undermined the national thrust against terrorism. It has demoralized the country’s security agencies and brought about complacency in their resolve to fight terrorism.
The momentum generated by the high priority on national security by the NDA Government and the initiatives taken on the recommendations of the Group of Ministers to strengthen security set up has been lost and, indeed, reversed. Internal security is today viewed only through the prism of vote bank politics. The country’s resolve against terrorism has been overridden by political expediency.
Under the UPA, there has been a sharp rise in the intensity of terrorism. The terrorists have been able to consolidate even outside the Jammu & Kashmir and the North-East. They have discovered soft ground and established modules in various parts of the country, particularly, in Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Goa, U.P., Bihar and West Bengal. The ISI network is fast extending to newer areas. Their targets in the past one year have been selected to hit India where it hurts the most :- Ayodhya (5th July, 2005) – the birth place of Sri Rama with which Hindus sentiment is linked; Delhi (29th October 2005) – the seat of political power; Bangalore (December 28 2005) – the technology capital of India and the nerve centre of India’s IT industry; Varanasi (March 7, 2006) one of the most sacred Hindu cities; Nagpur (June 1, 2006) the RSS headquarters a symbol of Indian nationalism; Mumbai (July 11 2006) the economic capital of India.
The most worrying aspect of the recent attacks has been the dependence of the perpetrators of cross border terrorism on indigenous resources, both material and human. Pakistan has successfully devolved resources to its Indian assets for spreading subversion.
Yesterday blasts in Malegaon killing a large number of innocent people are a text book illustration of terrorist activism coupled with Governmental apathy and incompetence. These attacks are intended to create panic, generate tension, kill innocents and assault Indian sovereignty. The intelligence agencies had no clue of what was happening. The investigative agencies have drawn a blank. The home minister had made an uninspiring and pedestrian statement. No Governmental firmness is expected. The nation and the people will continue to suffer from the weak knead policies of the UPA Government.
Originally most terrorist attacks had exclusively cross border involvement. Of late, the participation of home grown terrorists to aid and assist cross border terrorist has been on the increase. This rise in indigenous terrorism is a direct result of the policy of appeasement and the huge illegal Bangladeshi population in the country. This population has intruded into various parts of the country and is masquerading as locals. One of the most recent serious attacks perpetuated by the terrorists was the Mumbai train blasts. Investigations have not yielded results as yet. The incident throws up two disturbing trends: firstly the fact that the blasts were carried on in a highly professional manner and secondly the intelligence and investigative machinery has completely failed.
The political signals given to the intelligence and security agencies are disturbing. There is a go-slow against terrorism. Available data indicates that terrorist liquidation has declined by 56% in the past two years. The appeasement policy of some political parties and the pursuit of vote bank politics is strengthening subversive organizations like the SIMI, Hizbul Mujahideen, Ahle Hadis, Alumma and Deendar Anjuman. Several lesser known localized outfits have sprung up in various parts of the country and are engaged in radical propaganda to influence impressionable youths.
POTA was a law enacted by the NDA Government with the object of punishing terrorists and their abettors by an expeditious process. The UPA signaled is policy of going soft on terrorists by repealing this law. Why should there be a soft law to deal with terrorists? The UPA has by this act of repeal of POTA surrendered the war on terror for the sake of vote bank politics. The Congress and the left front supported resolution in Kerala seeking the release of the key accused of the Coimbatore blasts is an example of sacrificing national security for vote bank politics. The failure of Central Government to approve state legislatures relating to curbing of organised crime is related only to vote bank politics.
The UPA Government is groping in the dark on the peace process in Jammu & Kashmir. The process of dialogue was initiated in Jammu & Kashmir by the NDA. Positive forward movements were made in two rounds of talks held during the NDA regime. Unimaginative handling has led to the disruption of the peace process. Even the Hurriyat leaders refused to meet the Prime Minister. Instead of correcting the errors which the government has committed, the Prime Minister announced constitution of various groups for talks on Kashmir. The group dealing with the Centre-State relations is confronted with demands ranging from self-rule to restoration of the pre 1953 status. Pakistan has claimed that Government of India has presented it with a non-paper with regard to restoration of pre 1953 status of Jammu and Kashmir. Instead of ensuring a complete constitutional integration of Jammu & Kashmir into India a backward movement has now begun. The talks with ULFA have also suffered on account of inept handling. The National Security Advisor is engaged in talks where even the lowest rung of the ULFA leaders did not participate.
There has been a distinct increase in the vulnerability of the sensitive security agencies to foreign espionage. Important wings of the armed forces, the National Security Secretariat and the R&AW have been compromised. Preventive systems against espionage have been given a go by. The navy war room leak, for example, has almost compromised new acquisition plans and future plans till 2020. It is closely linked to the Scorpion deal. It is yet to be established to whom they were passing the information and who were the ultimate beneficiaries.
Left wing extremism has assumed frightening proportions. The monthly average of casualties from Left extremist activities in the past two years has increased by almost 50 percent over the previous years. Not only have the casualties increased but the magnitude of the attacks is indicative of the growing strength of Left extremism. Maoism, a relic of the 1970s, is back with a vengeance and affects over 160 districts and 13 States.
The Maoist groups maintain a high degree of secrecy and spring surprises. They attack in large groups. The recent attacks in Jehanabad, Madhuban in Bihar, Koraput and Gajapati in Orissa, the Bastar region in Chhattisgarh and Girdih in Jharkhand have highlighted the need to tackle Maoist violence. The militarisation of this movement has enhanced its striking capability. The acquisition of weapons, the expansion of its social base, and the coordination in activities of various groups are a cause of national concern. The UPA constituents like the Congress and the RJD had tried to strike political deal with these groups during the 2004 elections. Post-elections they gave them a free hand only to realize that the situation is almost becoming unmanageable.
The Congress Government had enacted the Illegal Migrants (Determination by Tribunals) Act, 1984. This Act was intended to legitimize infiltration from Bangladesh into Assam and other regions. It laid down a complicated and near impossible mechanism for detection and deportation of illegal migrants. After the Supreme Court struck it down, the Government has re-introduced this Act through an amendment to the Foreigners’ Tribunal Order. If this Order remains on the statute book its impact on India’s national security shall be highly adverse.
Subversive activities in North East are on the Increase. Recently the Bangladesh Rifles attacked an Indian village in the Cachar District. The Iscon Temple at Imphal was attacked. Investigations into the attack have drawn a blank.
The failure of the government on the security front is a foremost area of national concern. A large part of our national resources are expended on national security but with very little results. Unless the ruling UPA delinks its policy on handling security issues from vote bank politics, National Security will be in peril. The BJP will continue to campaign on this issue in order to arouse national opinion to compel the government to bring about a major policy shift in the area of security management.
क्लिक करे लॉगिन