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Bharatiya Janata Party
National Executive Meeting
12-13 June 2016, Allahabad
BJP is the Party of Bharat’s Present – It will be the Party of Bharat’s Future
The National Executive of the BJP conveys its heartfelt gratitude to the people of five states that have gone to polls recently. The goodwill and support extended by them to the BJP is unprecedented and overwhelming.
The results have once again demonstrated the popularity and admiration Prime Minister and his government enjoys in the country. It is evident in the victory and the formation of BJP government in Assam and in the positive growth of vote percentage in the States of Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Puducherry and West Bengal. These results have strengthened the all-encompassing expansion of the Party in the States. Bharatiya Janata Party express its gratitude towards the faith of the people of Assam who have trusted Prime Minster, Shri Narendra Modiji’s development oriented vision and policies of overall welfare of the people of this Country.
Bhartiya Janta Party has emphasized on the extension of the Party organisation deep into the ground under the leadership of Shri Amit Shah as Party President in last two years. Our Party believes that our workers will take the mandate given to the Party in these States to new heights in the future.
Two years of people-friendly governance of PM Modiji coupled with his extensive campaign during the elections was largely responsible for the favourable results in the elections. The central leadership of the Party led by the President has also offered major and unequivocal support to the state Party without which the outcome of this kind wouldn’t have been possible. The National Executive conveys unqualified gratitude to them.
The mandate of Assam calls for a very special mention. Assam holds an important place in the minds and hearts of millions of BJP karyakartas across the country. Humbled by the love and affection showered upon the BJP the National Executive wishes to offer its heartfelt gratitude to the people of the state for handing us down such a mammoth mandate. In Assam, BJP and its allied Parties have got two third majority with 86 seats whereas the BJP itself has got 60 seats. Together we have got 44 percent votes which is 8 percent more than the votes we got in 2014 Lok Sabha elections.
A troubled state with a history of insurgencies, violence and under-development Assam has also been a victim of frequent natural calamities like floods and erosion for a very long time. The state and the region are home to abundant natural and human resources; but sadly have been victims of decades of apathy and indifference. Successive inefficient and corrupt governments have bled this state and squeezed life out of its vibrant society and culture.
As important as the problem of underdevelopment is the threat of demographic invasion the state has faced from an unchecked infiltration from neighbouring Bangladesh for decades on. It has reached Himalayan proportions and signalled a death-knell to Assam’s identity, culture and traditions besides severely affecting state’s economy and people’s livelihood. Successive governments have turned a blind eye to this problem with an eye on their vote banks. The then ruling Party in the state and its Chief Minister have gone to the ridiculous extent of denying existence of even a single infiltrator in the state.
The BJP has gone to the people promising them freedom from poverty, backwardness and underdevelopment; and security from infiltrators and their champions and apologists. People gave a wholehearted mandate in its favour. That is why the National Executive doesn’t look at this victory in the Assembly elections as just another electoral victory alone. It signifies a major ideological victory for the Party. We dedicate this victory to Ma Kamakhya, river Brahmaputra and Shrimant Shankaradeva – the symbols that epitomise Assamese identity. The National Executive also reassures the people of the state that all efforts would be made to fulfil these promises that have a major bearing on the very future and existence of the state.
This victory is a hard-earned one for the Party. Thousands of Karyakartas, belonging to our Party and also the ideological Parivaar, have been working in Assam and other states in the region for decades with the singular objective of protecting the identity and culture of the people and safeguarding our national unity and integrity. They spent their entire youth, risked their personal safety, sacrificed their careers and in many cases sacrificed even their lives also. For them it was a national mission. The National Executive pays rich tributes to all those unsung thousands whose dedication and sacrifice have laid the foundation for the growth and success of the Party today.
One more important reason for this victory is the dedication and hardwork of our Karyakartas in Assam. The entire rank and file of the Party including the MPs, MLAs and other senior leaders has shouldered the responsibility for the elections in a never before manner. The National Executive heartily congratulates each and every Karyakarta of the Party for the massive victory.
Our alliance partners, the Asom Gana Parishad and the Bodo People’s Front, too have added their might to the campaign of Congress-Mukt Assam – An Assam freed from Congress. It is the united face of all those parties, which stood for saving Assam from the clutches of underdevelopment and infiltration, that has given enthusiasm and confidence to the people of the state. The National Executive appreciates the efforts of the alliance partners and calls upon them to help the BJP-led government fulfil its promise of good governance and secure Assam.
Besides Assam the Party has fared satisfactorily well in Kerala, the other state that has seen the decimation of the Congress party at the hustings. In Kerala too, like in Assam, the BJP’s vote share has gone up substantially. Together with its ally the BJP has secured over 15% vote share paving way for future rise of the Party.
The Karyakartas in Kerala deserve special compliments for their heroic efforts in an atmosphere of violence and intimidation mainly orchestrated by the Marxist Party. The Party and the Parivaar have lost a large number of humble and dedicated Karyakartas in the murderous Marxist violence in the past. Yet they stood up firmly and won the hearts of the people of the state. Politics of murder and mayhem have returned to Kerala right from the day the Marxist Party formed the government there. A promising and young life of a Karyakarta has been snatched away by Marxist goons immediately after the formation of the government in the state. The National Executive strongly condemns the violence by the Marxist goons and calls upon the Chief Minister to deliver his constitutional duty by bringing the perpetrators to book and compensate the victims for losses they suffered. The National Executive offers deep condolences to the families of all the victims and conveys it loud and clear to the ruling party that the BJP can’t be cowed down by their violent tactics.
The National Executive expresses happiness over the maiden entry of the BJP in Kerala Assembly. It is also a matter of happiness to all of us that the BJP could withstand the politics of violence and intimidation in West Bengal and has made a grand entry into the Assembly with 3 MLAs on its own and 3 from alliance partners and over 10% vote share. In states like Kerala and West Bengal where the major parties themselves unleash terror and violence to intimidate political adversaries the BJP views the mandate as a challenge and opportunity to strive towards changing the character of the local politics for good.
Our Karyakartas have worked very hard in Tamilnadu and Pondicherry during the elections and taken the vote percentage up. However we couldn’t secure seats due to last minute polarisation of the voters and other local political factors. We promise strengthen the Party in these states and bounce back with renewed vigour soon.
The singularly resounding message of this round of Assembly elections has been the comprehensive and unequivocal rejection of the Congress Party by the voters in different states. In Assam and Kerala, where they were the ruling Party, the electorate has shown a big thumbs-down to them. They were rejected in other two major states – West Bengal and Tamilnadu also. In fact people have not only rejected the Congress Party but also severely punished those who have aligned with them in a most duplicitous manner in their greed for power. This duplicity was prominently on display in West Bengal where the Marxists have thought it fit to ally with Congress, a Party which is their main adversary in another poll-bound state Kerala.
Popular message from this round of elections is that they reject not only the Congress Party but the brand of politics associated with it. Congress Mukt Bharat for us is not merely about defeating Congress Party at the hustings everywhere, although that will be the primary objective of our Party. It also means ridding country of the Congress brand politics – corruption, nepotism, politics of inheritance and blue blood, arrogance and non-accountability, politics of obstructionism and vote banks etc. The National Executive notes with pleasure that a call given by Prime Minister Modi during the Loksabha elections for Congress Mukt Bharat has today become a people’s mission. Even in a number of by-elections held in different states including Meghalaya, Gujarat etc the people have rejected Congress Party and voted for BJP, NDA or other non-Congress options. BJP has gained in popularity in States like Manipur, Tripura also.
The National Executive recalls the decision of the central leadership about a year-and-half ago to put special focus on states where the Party has been traditionally weak. Results in the present round of elections show that the efforts in that direction have started paying dividends.
Assam is the gateway to the entire North East. The landslide victory in Assam has given us a great opportunity to expand our footprint in the entire North Eastern region. North Eastern region is important for us electorally in local terms; development-wise in national terms; and pivotal in international strategic terms. Keeping the greater significance of the region and with a view to promoting all-round development the BJP has constituted the North East Democratic Alliance – NEDA. An alliance of the non-Congress political parties from the eight North Eastern states, NEDA will emerge as a power-house of faster development of the entire region. It will also help us expand the Party in the entire region.
The Coromandel Coast spanning from West Bengal to Tamilnadu and Kerala has seen enthusiastic support of the voters to the BJP during the 2014 Loksabha elections. We secured a good vote share in all the states on the country’s southern and eastern coast like Kerala, Tamilnadu, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Orissa and West Bengal. However the number of Loksabha seats that the Party has won in that election was very small. The Party has started working on strengthening our organisational network in this region. The recently concluded Assembly elections encourage us to take the efforts forward. The National Executive calls upon the Karyakartas in these states to work with single-minded devotion in a mission mode for the next three years and prepare the Party for big gains in the 2019 Loksabha elections.
For the BJP every election from Panchayat to Parliament is an important one to expand its electoral and ideological influence. The Party is gearing up for the next round of Assembly elections due for early next year with renewed energy and vigour that it has derived from the recent electoral successes as well as the successes achieved by Modi Government in the last two years.
The BJP is today the only pan-Indian party in the country. The BJP is also emerging as the natural party of governance in many States too. Congress is shrinking by day and all the other parties have limited regional presence only. The National Executive understands the significance of it and also appreciates the great responsibility it places on our Party. We call upon the Karyakartas to make the BJP the Party of the Present drawing support from all sections of the society; and reassures the countrymen that the BJP will be the Party of the Future shaping a bright tomorrow for the country under the dynamic leadership of Prime Minister Modi.
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